Do you want to learn how to make the basic macrame knots? Are you searching for the best tutorials & tips to learn beginner macrame and the basic macrame knots? Well hey, you're in the right ... READ the POST
10 Easy Macrame Tutorials for a cheerful DIY Macrame Christmas!
It's not too late to decorate your house for Christmas with these lovely, quick, and easy macrame Christmas decorations! Sprinkle that Christmas magic in your home by making macrame wall, table, or ... READ the POST
Macrame cord too short? How to continue your cord?
Raise your hand if you've ever found yourself in this situation: You're creating your newest macrame piece or you're following a tutorial and OOPS - your macrame cord is too short! Yes, I thought so, ... READ the POST
How to tie a clove hitch knot: 4 different ways
The clove hitch, or double half hitch or cow hitch, is probably my number one favorite macrame knot in its various forms. A single clove hitch knot is nice, but many clove hitches next to, and below, ... READ the POST